i con-damn-firm got sorethroat T.T. my package deal thing is gonna come back..1st sore throat,then flu, then cough and fever. OHH LOVE wedding dress by taeyang btw ;D i just discovered somebody already won the flyfm's wake up your brain on the pagi show =O 6500 BUCKS U NOE=O. new wake up your brain question: 4.5% of malaysians are.....? well, most ppl answered cginese, but apparently it was THE WRONG ANSWER D= gawsh...i wanna watch valentines day so badly...still hav no idea wat 2 get 4 estee....not even sure if i can go or not T.T CURSE THESE STUPID SORETHROAT!!!! D< CIAO!!! =)
su ming..TEEHEEE =P